Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Silver Samurai
Silver Samurai
Real Name Unknown
Alternate Identity Silver Samurai
Powers and Abilities Teleportation

Silver Samurai is a mutant and gang leader in Japan.


For whatever reason, Silver Samurai and his gang picked on a village and their temple. At one point, they came and found Wolverine and Jubilee were with them. The two X-Men helped the villagers fight back against the gang while Wolverine fought Silver Samurai. The X-Man anticipated his attack and disabled his teleporting ability. He then walked away humiliated.


Silver Samurai was voiced by Denis Akiyama.

First version seen outside the comics.

In the Comics[]

His real name is Keniuchio Harada.

Silver Samurai has the mutant power to generate a tachyon field which he can focus into objects such as his sword, allowing him to cut through anything.

He could teleport due to a special ring he had. This was not a mutant power.

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