Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch (Marvel Shorts)
Real Name Wanda Maximoff
Alternate Identity Scarlet Witch
Powers and Abilities Hex Magic
Team Affiliations Avengers
Family and Friends Vision (Boyfriend)
Doctor Strange
Scarlet Witch is from the Marvel Shorts Universe short The Hot Witch Summer Agenda with Wanda Maximoff.

Scarlet Witch is a member of the Avengers.


Scarlet Witch made a video that she posted to the internet that detailed her daily routine. This included reading from her spell books, deciding what to wear, fighting supervillains, a team meeting with the Avengers, having a dinner date with Vision, and her nightly routine before bed.

Vision bought fruit to pass out to Trick or Treaters on Halloween. However, Scarlet Witch used her magic to turn the fruit into candy.


Physical Therapy
Boy, is that all you got?
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