Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Repulsor Beam
Repulsor Beam (AEMH)
Real Name Repulsor Beam
Powers and Abilities Powerful energy attack
Team Affiliations Avengers
Repulsor Beam is fron the Yost Universe series The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

A repulsor beam is an offensive attack built into the armors of Iron Man. It is his most iconic attack.


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They are a particle beam weapon in the palm gauntlets; can repel physical and energy-based attacks, traveling as a single stream or as a wide-field dispersal.

Iron Man has a more powerful beam built into his chest called the unibeam. This is a more powerful attack though it drains more energy so it is used less often.

It is possible, though not specified, that Iron Man uses the same or similar technology to fly with.
