Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Members Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane
Ryker's Island
S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier

A prison is a government-run facility where inmates are forcibly confined.

Known Prisons[]


Beast was in prison following an attack on a government facility. Magneto tried to break him out but Beast refused.

Puppet Master tried to use the inmates of a prison to take over the world.

The Fantastic Four were held in a prison after Skrulls impersonated them and attacked others.

Iron Man broke into the Vault to disable those using his technology and was confronted by Hawkeye.

Kingpin broke several supervillains out of a prison to form the Insidious Six.

John Hardesky was held in the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier's prison facility.


It is possible, though unspecified, that the prison seen in the Fantastic Four episodes "The Origin of the Fantastic Four, Part One" and "The Origin of the Fantastic Four, Part Two" are Ryker's Island.

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