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Neal Adams
Neal Adams
Born Neal Adams
June 15, 1941
New York City, New York
Died April 28, 2022 (Age 80)
New York City, New York
Positions Animation Director
Character Creator

Neal Adams (born June 15, 1941; died April 28, 2022) was an artist who served as animation director on Astonishing X-Men. Adams was also the owner of Continuity Studios which provided the animation for Astonishing X-Men. His artwork was used for the VHS home video release of Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned.

He created several characters for Marvel Comics including the Savage Land Mutates, Amphibius, Mockingbird, Barbarus, Brainchild, Colleen Wing, and Sauron.


He is famous for creating the characters Ra's al Ghul, Man-Bat, and John Stewart for DC Comics.

For Marvel, Adams worked on Avengers, Civil War II, Captain Marvel, Conan the Barbarian, Defenders, Doctor Strange, Dracula Lives, Fantastic Four: Antithesis, First X-Men, Ghost Rider, The Incredible Hulk, New Avengers, The Punisher, Savage Sword of Conan, Secret Wars, Tomb of Dracula, Uncanny Avengers, X-Men, and Young Avengers.

For DC Comics, he worked on Action Comics, Batman, Before Watchmen, Batman/Superman, Brave and the Bold, Cyborg, Deadman, Deathstroke, Detective Comics, The Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, The Joker, Justice League of America, Martian Manhunter, Sinestro, Starfire, Superman, Superboy, Superman/Wonder Woman, Teen Titans, and Wonder Woman.

He was one of the co-founders of the graphic design studio Continuity Associates. He worked as a creators-rights advocate, helping to secure a pension and recognition for Superman creator Jerry Siegel.

He has been credited for his contributions in Batman: The Animated Series, Teen Titans, Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, Batman Unlimited, Justice League: Gods and Monsters, Justice League vs. Teen Titans, Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Young Justice.

Neal's wife Marilyn confirmed that he died on April 28th, 2022 following complication from sepsis. He was survived by his wife; his sons Josh, Jason, and Joel; his daughters Kris and Zeea; grandchildren Kelly, Kortney, Jade, Sebastian, Jane, and Jaelyn; and great-grandson Maximus.[1]


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