Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Mary Parker
Richard Mary Baby Peter SSM
Real Name Mary Parker
Family and Friends Richard Parker (Husband)
Peter Parker (Son)
Ben Parker (Brother-in-Law)
May Parker (Sister-in-Law)

Mary Parker was the wife to her husband Richard and mother to Peter. She had a brother and sister-in-law named Ben and May.


Little is known about the life of Mary.

At some point, she fell in love and married Richard. They had a son they named Peter. Unfortunately, they both died and Peter went to live with his brother and sister-in-law in Queens, New York.

The three kept a picture of Mary and Richard holding the infant Peter in their house.


Richard and Mary was only seen in a photograph.

In the Comics[]

Her maiden name was Fitzpatrick.

She was a member of the Central Intelligence Agency. She met Richard on a mission.

Harry Osborn had Chameleon create Life Model Decoys of Richard and Mary to attack Peter.

External Links[]
