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Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Lady Dorma
Dorma (MSH)
Real Name Dorma
Alternate Identity Lady Dorma
Powers and Abilities Breaths under water
Allies Namor (Boyfriend)
Lady Dorma is from the Non MAU series The Marvel Super Heroes.

Lady Dorma is a noble woman from Atlantis.


While Namor was away from Atlantis, Krang was able to seize control. When Namor returned Dorma told him of what had happened in his absence. Dorma offered to help Nomor re-take the throne. However, Namor said that he didn't need help from a woman. Dorma got angry and Namor and alerted the Atlantean guards to his presence. The guards were able to capture Namor and Dorma ordered them to bring Namor to Krang. Krang then had Namor placed in a dungeon. However, a short while later, Dorma helped Namor escape. Later, when Krang asked Dorma to marry him, she refused. Krang then had Dorma banished to the land of Faceless Ones. Dorma was brought to Xantor who worked for the Faceless Ones. However, Lady Dorma was later rescued by Namor.

When Attuma took over Atlantis, Lady Dorma seaked out of Atlantis to find Namor. However, Dorma accidentally wandered into the Quagmire of Doom and began to sink into quick sand. Before Lady Dorma could totally sink into the Quagmire of Doom, Namor found Dorma and rescued her. Namor then returned to Atlantis and defeated Attuma.

When Attuma found an alien robot, he used it to attack Atlantis. The robot was very powerful and nearly killed Namor. However, Dorma was able to contact the aliens that the robot belonged to and they came to Atlantis and took back the robot before it could kill Namor.

Xantor created a virus that would turn anyone exposed to it into stone. Dorma was exposed to the virus and turned to stone. However, Namor found the cure and revived her.

Lady Dorma was later kidnapped by Lorelei who wanted to be Namor's wife. Lorelei used her sorcery to she and Lady Dorma took each others appearance. Namor took Lorelei back to Atlantis believing that she was the real Lady Dorma. However, the Mud Beast believed that Lady Dorma was the real Lorelei. Lady Dorma then sent the Mud Beast to kidnap Lorelei who was still in the guise of Lady Dorma. When the Mud Beast got to Atlantis, he grabbed Lorelei. The Mud Beast nearly strangled Lorelei. However, Lorelei changed back into her true for and ordered the Mud Beast to let her go. At that time the citizens of Atlantis realized that Lorelei had taken Lady Dorma's place.


Lady Dorma is voiced by Peg Dixon.

This is the first version of Dorma outside the comics.

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