Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Iron Man Armor
Marvel Anime Iron Man Promo
Real Name Iron Man Armor
Powers and Abilities Repulsor Rays
Communication Systems
Increased Strength and Durability
Repulsor Boot Jets
Missile Launchers
Family and Friends Tony Stark (Creator)
Iron Man Armor is from the Madhouse Universe series Marvel Anime: Iron Man.
Note, this article describes the main Iron Man Armor. For other armors used by Iron Man see List of Iron Man Armors.

The Iron Man Armor is the tool through which Tony Stark that becomes the superhero Iron Man.


Physical Therapy
Boy, is that all you got?
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Features include:

  • Repulsor Ray
  • Unibeam
  • Heads Up Display
  • Communication Systems
  • Increased Strength and Durability
  • Repulsor Boot Jets
  • Missile Launcher


The early history of the armor is unknown.

Tony used this armor as the template for the Iron Man Dio Armors. However, when the Zodiac stole the armors, Tony was forced to don the armor to fight them.


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