Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Fire Monster
Fire Monster (Productions Universe)
Real Name Fire Monster
Powers and Abilities Made Out of Fire
Family and Friends Genju (Creator)
Fire Monster is from the Marvel Productions Universe series Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.

The Fire Monster was a destructive creature that was created by Genju.


Genju created a machine that made a giant fire monster. Genju intended to use the fire monster to take over the world. However, Genju needed his nephew, Sunfire, and Firestar to use their powers on the machine to give the fire monster life. Genju lied to Sunfire and told him that the machine was a fusion reactor that he created to benefit all mankind. After Sunfire and Firestar used their power on the machine it freed the fire monster which Genju had complete control of. However, the Spider-Friends and Sunfire were able to defeat the fire monster by using the water from the ocean.


The Fire Monster was an original character that was created for Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.

Fire Monster (SMAF Intro)

The Fire Monster appears in the opening theme song to Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends but with a different design.

The Fire Monster made a cameo appearance in the episode "The Lizard" from Ultimate Spider-Man. He appeared in one of Spider-Man's fantasies.

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