Spider-Man, Captain America, the Six Forgotten Warriors, and S.H.I.E.L.D. struggle to take down the Red Skull's ultimate weapon of destruction: Electro. (Six Forgotten Warriors, Part Five)
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Note: this summary is in chronological order, rather than in order presented. See below.
When Spider-Man and Silver Sable are chasing the Red Skull and Kragov, they are able to deduce which direction they are going by identifying their footprints. However, Spider-Man and Silver Sable themselves don't leave any footprints when walking over the same spot.
Since Mary Jane was later revealed to be the water clone, she should have died when Electro hit her with electricity.
The episode contains a glaring editing mistake. During the S.H.I.E.L.D. attack, Captain America and Spider-Man are seen being held at gunpoint by the Chameleon while Red Skull works. After another scene with S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America and Spider-Man are seen just arriving and ambushed by Chameleon and Red Skull, obviously with the two scenes meant to be in reverse order. For unknown reasons this mistake was never corrected in subsequent airings. No subsequent release has fixed the error.
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Story editor John Semper, Jr. said that he cried out in agony upon seeing the continuity mistake because of the idiocy in which it happened. He blamed Bob Richardson for this mistake.[1]