After barely surviving the return to Earth, Jean Grey is hospitalized. Meanwhile, Charles Xavier's dark side begins to torment the X-Men. (The Phoenix Saga, Part Two)
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Beast wears a Howard the Duck shirt
First unmasked appearance of Lilandra.
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The Space Shuttle is seen flying past the surface of the moon. Not only was the space station they left in the previous episode only in earth orbit, but the Space Shuttle is incapable of traveling such a distance.
It would take several days to reach the moon from earth or vice versa, but the shuttle performs re-entry minutes later.
The Space Shuttle is shown firing the main engines during reentry in order to adjust its course. The main engines on the space Shuttle are are only used during launch, and do not have the ability to relight or to be used for maneuvering. The shuttle's maneuvering jets are used for this purpose. Additionally, the shuttle is show using ailerons at the same time, which would have no effect prior to re-entry due to the thin atmosphere.
Posits the Professor having a malevolent psychic splinter that works independently of his conscious mind to attack the X-Men. This concept would later be realized in the comics as Onslaught. Unlike Onslaught, this version has the Professor's appearance and is strictly non-physical.