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Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
This article is written from the Real World perspective Real World

She-Hulk breaks loose
Series The Incredible Hulk
Release Date November 3, 1996
Episode Number 7
Writer Bob Forward
2 images

Bruce Banner goes to see his cousin, Jennifer Walters, who is then injured during an encounter with Doctor Doom. Bruce can save her but he may get more than he wants.


Physical Therapy
Boy, is that all you got?
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  • When Jennifer is transforming, she says "Feels like somebody is lighting my fire". This metaphor can mean she felt worked up, or given her aroused moan, Jennifer was feeling a burst of sexual excitment.


  • After Dr. Doom's robots abduct Jennifer and load her into the aircraft, Hulk hitches a ride all the way to Doom's estate, falling off the aircraft and breaking into the estate before the aircraft has time to land. Despite this, Dr. Doom already has Jennifer secured to an infirmary table and medical machinery by the time Hulk confronts Doom.




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