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Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
This article is written from the Real World perspective Real World

Rearview mirror Hulk
Series The Incredible Hulk
Release Date February 2, 1997
Episode Number 11
Writer Bob Forward
1 images

Betty Ross and Doctor Samson finish the nutrient bath. However, they must get Bruce Banner to Gamma Base in order for it to work and Hulk is on a rampage.


Physical Therapy
Boy, is that all you got?
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"Hulk hate Banner!"


"I don't know what you've done. But now you will have to live with the consequences."

-Glenn Talbot before sabotaging the experiment separating Hulk and Bruce



  • Betty could have tried to save themselves some trouble by telling Talbot that they were separating Bruce and Hulk.
  • After Talbot sabotages the Nutrient Bath experiment with his laser gun, the blast hits the middle of the console. When Betty tries to fix the problem, the blast mark is suddenly closer to the top of the console. Moreover, the size and shape of blast mark also change.
  • When Bruce and Hulk are separated, Bruce suddenly has pants. However, it was done purposefully for censorship reasons, albeit still counts as an error.





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