Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Real Name External Life Form
Alternate Identity E.L.F.
Powers and Abilities Flight
Mind Control
Hologram Projector
Team Affiliations The Hand
Family and Friends MODOK

External Life Form, or E.L.F. for short, was a small creature created by MODOK.



E.L.F. was created by MODOK on behalf of Mandarin of The Hand. It's purpose was to take control of James Rhodes and discredit Tony Stark. It enter James' mind and told him that Tony was stealing money using his satellite. James went along with it and had Tony arrested. James was called to MODOK's aid when Iron Man was attacking him and Mandarin. James suited up as War Machine and led Force Works to them. War Machine fought with Iron Man who got the upper hand and extracted E.L.F. so that Century could destroy him.


Like MODOK, E.L.F. was voiced by Jim Cummings. Despite only appearing in one episode, Cummings was credited for the role in "And the Sea Shall Give Up its Dead".

He was an original character.
