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Craig Kyle
Craig Kyle
Born November 3, 1971 (1971-11-03) (age 53)
Houston, Texas
Positions Producer
Character Creator
Development and Creative Supervisor
Creative Executive
Studio Operations

Craig Kyle (born November 3rd, 1971) operated the studio on The Incredible Hulk, was a creative executive and writer on X-Men: Evolution, and development and creative supervisor and writer on Wolverine and the X-Men. He was a writer on Ultimate Avengers and Ultimate Avengers II, The Invincible Iron Man, Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer Supreme, Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes, Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow, Hulk Vs, Iron Man: Armored Adventures, Planet Hulk, and Thor: Tales of Asgard. He was a producer on X-Men: Evolution, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series, Ultimate Avengers, Ultimate Avengers II, The Invincible Iron Man, Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer Supreme, Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes, Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow, Hulk Vs, Wolverine and the X-Men, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Iron Man: Armored Adventures, Planet Hulk, and Thor: Tales of Asgard.


He was also a production assistant on Invasion America and Toonsylvania. He was part of the creative team on Marvel Studios films Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk as well as writing Thor: Ragnarok.


X-23 was an original character designed for X-Men: Evolution created entirely by Kyle for the episode "X23". Because Christopher Yost helped write the episode he is often given credit.[1]

Greg Johnson and Boyd Kirkland were likely the ones who designed her as they were running the show.[2]

Kyle came up with the backstory for the character, writing a massive document that went into a great amount of detail. He did research into genetics and gender variation in the animal kingdom to get the character right.[3][4]

Six months later, X-23 would be formally introduced into the comics with NYX #3 and is one of the most popular mutant characters. In the comics, it is explained she is female because the Y chromosome that was recovered was too damaged to make a male. She also took on the name Laura Kinney because of the doctor who created her, became the surrogate mother, and raised her. She eventually went on to take the mantle of Wolverine after he was killed.

Though Deborah Risman does not appear in the comics, she would get a similar equivalent with Sarah Kinney.

X-23 would go on to appear on Hulk vs Wolverine, Wolverine and the X-Men, The Super Hero Squad Show, and the live-action film Logan with Kyle given credit for her creation.


  1. Christopher Yost at Twitter
  2. Christopher Yost at Twitter
  3. Christopher Yost at Twitter
  4. Christopher Yost at Twitter

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