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Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Arnim Zola
Arnim Zola (AEMH)
Real Name Arnim Zola
Powers and Abilities Mechanical Suit
Team Affiliations HYDRA
Masters of Evil
Arnim Zola is from the Yost Universe series The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Arnim Zola is a German scientist and member of HYDRA.


During World War II, Arnim Zola experimented with creating monsters to aid HYDRA in their global conquest. Eventually, he was captured by the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and imprisoned in the Big House.

Zola escaped his cell after a blackout happened in the Big House. He went into hiding in his previous secret hideout.

His most notable creation are the Doughboy minions. He gives Baron Zemo a medical checkup every week about his condition. He even allows him to borrow the Doughboys to distract the Avengers while Zemo gets inside the Avengers Mansion to kill Captain America, but the plan failed.

As Zemo returned to Zola's lair, he discovered Zola's unconscious body surrounded by Enchantress and Executioner with an offer to form the Masters of Evil to destroy the Avengers.

After the recruitment of other villains into the Masters of Evil is complete, they went into the Mansion to defeat the Avengers. In the ensuing battle, only Zola stayed behind to guard their lair.

When the Enchantress and her Executioner came back with the Norn Stones, he was among the Masters of Evil with new members waiting for them. Though Zemo ordered everyone to seven separate locations to guard the stones, Zola stayed behind again for he has no hero to fight.

Later, Enchantress and Executioner came to find out where Zemo was. He told her he was watching both Chemistro and Living Laser when she made them offers, and was concerned with Grey Gargoyle's fate. She then threatens him by ordering him to tell her where Zemo was or she would make him "learn" Grey Gargoyle's fate. He refuses and allows both Enchantress and Executioner to be swallowed in a surprise attack by Doughboy. After he thinks he's won and strokes Doughboy, Zola watches in a horrified state as his pet solidifies and explodes by Enchantress from the inside. She then tells him that he just made a fatal mistake and seemingly kills Zola with a magic blast, with Zemo watching the whole thing on a security camera.

Nick Fury is later looking at a photo of Zola wondering if he is a Skrull.


Arnim Zola is a genius in modification and mutations. He created the artificial being Doughboy, which could take on the Avengers.


Zola was voiced by Grant Moninger.

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