Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Advanced Idea Mechanics
A.I.M. (MSH)
Former Members Super-Adaptoid
Red Skull
Keeper of the Cosmic Cube

A.I.M. is from the Non MAU series The Marvel Super Heroes.

Advanced Idea Mechanics, often shortened to A.I.M., is a terrorist group known for its advanced technology.


Former members[]


A.I.M. built the Super-Adaptoid and brough it to life with the Cosmic Cube. A.I.M then sent the Super-Adaptoid to kill Captain America. However, Captain America was able to defeat the Super-Adaptoid.

A.I.M. later discovered Red Skull's body that had been in suspended animation since the end of World War II. A.I.M. revived Red Skull and he began to work for them to try and kill Captain America. However, Red Skull later betrayed A.I.M.. Red Skull had also stolen A.I.M.'s Cosmic Cube. Red Skull later died in a battle with Captain America.


This is the first version of A.I.M. outside the comics.

In The Marvel Super Heroes instead of being pronounced as "aim" each letter is said individually.

External Links[]
